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Home Card Games Card Shuffling Tips and Techniques

Card Shuffling Tips and Techniques

Whenever you decide to play a card game or perform a magic trick, you will need to shuffle a deck of cards. The basic shuffle is pretty simple and easy to grasp. Here, you will also learn how to shuffle a deck of playing cards, the types, and the primary card flourishes. A new deck is always preferable while playing a game. However, if you are a beginner, try practicing on a used deck.

Why should we shuffle a deck?

We need to shuffle a deck to introduce randomization of playing cards. This brings a possibility of “chance” or “luck.” The perfect mix of cards, according to research, is between 5 to 20 times. To mix a deck, it takes a minimum of 5 to 12 shuffles.

Shuffling of the Cards- The Basics

Hold the deck in your right hand on the short edges to begin your shuffle. Keep your thumb on the top and your fingers on the bottom. If you start with the left hand, reverse the instructions and follow the same rules.

When you press the deck with the right first finger, it bows it. Run the cards off your thumb and transfer them on the left hand. When you have run half of the deck, stop this action.

Types of Card Shuffling Tricks

The Blackjack Shuffle

This card shuffling type has minor damage. There is minimum bending, and the effect is similar to any other shuffle. With practice, you can use this as your regular shuffle. Here’s how to learn it.


  • Get the cards in a neat stack. Divide the deck in half. Lay the stacks horizontally in front of you, and keep the bottom corners pointing directly towards you.
  • Put your thumbs against two corners, your index fingers against the opposite corners. Your other fingers must have a tight grasp on them.
  • Draw the corners upward with your thumb, draw the two halves closed, but only using a small corner of the deck. Shuffle the corners together.
  • Push the interconnected cards, get them in a neat stack, and repeat.

What to Remeber

  • Keep an eye on how the dealer is shuffling cards.
  • If the dealer is sloppy, tracking is more effortless.
  • However, it is a difficult skill to master. Needs enough and consistent practice. If done incorrectly, you will lose money in the game.

The Strip Shuffle (Running Cuts)

This is one of those shuffles where you take the deck of cards and make sections. Start by putting one-half down and the other half on top. This is a strip shuffle or running cuts. Learn how to cut the deck and do it better than just lifting off the top half of the cards.


  • Put all the cards facedown in a horizontal position. Grasp the side closest to you with your thumbs and the far side with your fingers. Keep your left-hand fingers raised off the table. This way, the deck remains elevated.
  • Take a small section of cards with your thumb and index fingers and remove them from the deck with your right hand. Your left hand will keep the rest of it in place.
  • The right index finger then takes another small packet which in turn falls on top of the previous packet as the left-hand moves away again.
  • The cards on the left hand come up again while the right-hand index finger clips more cards on the top.
  • Place the small cards section back into the deck—in the middle or at the bottom. Square the deck. Repeat 4-5 times with a different section of the deck.

What to Remember

  • Start this shuffle very slowly. You can increase the speed once you have enough practice.
  • Frequently cards pop out of the deck just when you are. Just square them up quickly and carry on. Enough revision should do it.
  • Clip with the index finger. This will help you to keep the cards in place.

The Hindu Shuffle

Hindu Shuffle takes some practice to get it correctly, but the result is impressive. This shuffle is also among the popular ones. Here is how to do it.


  • Take the palm of your left hand and hold the deck down. Your thumb and middle fingers need to extend above the top of the deck. Grip the deck lightly.
  • With the right-hand index finger and thumb, gently clutching a section of the deck—divide about ¾ of the deck off the bottom—out in a single stack. Leave the remaining in your left hand.
  • Use your middle finger and thumb of your left hand, and pull a few cards from the stack at the top of your right hand. The right-hand cards should land on top of your left-hand stack.
  • Keep taking out sections from the top of the stack in your right hand and keeping it on your left hand. When you run out of cards in your hands, take the other ¾ from the bottom from your left hand, and repeat.

What to Remember

  • The shuffle is forming a trap with the fingers. This way, the cards will fall neatly into the palm. The index finger is the key here because it will stop them from flying everywhere.
  • Don’t go too fast in the beginning unless you want to perform the 52 card pick-up trick!
Card Shuffling
Shuffling a deck of cards

The Weave Shuffle

This is a very easy shuffle and ideal for people who haven’t mastered the riffle shuffle yet. This card shuffling trick works well as it evenly mixes them.


  • Hold all the cards by the edge. Use the thumb to separate about half of it.
  • Position the upper pack of cards against the lower pack.
  • Put together or interlock the cards by the edges, just like weaving.
  • Bend them with the palm of the left hand and then release the pressure.
  • Square it all up.

What to Remember

  • Rough handling of the cards will damage them. A light grasp will make it easier to weave through them. Use a light touch, and you will find that they will weave together smoothly.
  • Weave the corners together instead of the whole sides.
  • Another way to do it is to finish it with a cascade. However, it is not necessary. Just squaring the deck should suffice.

The Riffle Shuffle (in the hands)

This is a great way to shuffle cards. It has two advantages. This shuffle looks impressive, and at the same time, it is easy to perform. After a few hours of practice, you will get it right.


  • The thumb of the left hand is on the top edge. The middle and ring fingers support the bottom edge. Place the little finger on the back edge, and the first finger either goes on the front edge or is bent on top for support.
  • The thumb now riffles have the deck away. The first finger can lend support here by bending the top of the deck.
  • The riffled packet can now fall onto the middle and ring fingers of the right hand. The index finger of the right hand should come to the front edge and the little finger on the other edge.
  • Turn over the hands while keeping a good grip on them.
  • Riffle the deck together with your thumbs. They should move slowly up the edge of the cards. They will riffle together.
  • Gently release the pressure from your thumbs, and then let them cascade.
  • Square up the deck and shuffle again if necessary. And that is how you do the riffle shuffle.

What to Remember

  • Some people do the riffle shuffle against their knee or the table. It is not necessary. When you have a good grip on your hands, it would look impressive nonetheless.
  • If you’re having trouble getting the cards to shuffle together, experiment with the distance between the cards and the position of your hands.
  • You do not have to perform the cascade finish with this shuffle. You can push the two packs together. The cascade looks more appealing, that’s it.

Also Read: How to Play Blackjack and Win: A Beginner’s Guide

The Overhand Shuffle

One of the simplest and the most used is the overhand shuffle. It is just transferring the cards in small parts from one side of the deck from one hand to the other hand. Repeat it several times until you can perform it confidently, or you can combine it with other shuffling methods until the deck is randomized. Home games, (with your friends and family) you can use the overhand shuffle. This is a good hand for the newbies because it is the easiest to perform.


  • Keep the deck face down on your hand. Use the thumb of your other hand and try peeling off small chunks from the top.
  • They should fall one at a time into that other hand—complete shuffling through the entire deck like this.
  • This is not an effective shuffle because it might displace a large group of cards. But once you master it and start doing it rapidly, it will become your go-to shuffle move.
  • Be alert not to reveal the bottom card and other cards to players.

What to Remember

  • Shuffle with a light touch.
  • For extra support, curl the index finger of the right hand around the deck.
  • Use your other hand to throw the cards down instead of the thumb. Some people find it easier to work with that.

The One-handed Shuffle

This is the hardest shuffle to master. Even though the One-Handed Shuffle is difficult, it is an extremely impressive one. Because you have to perform the shuffle with one hand only, you need a few hours to do it. The size of the hand is not important here. What is more important is rigorous practice.


  • Square up the deck. Hold the deck in your left hand, keep the thumb in the middle of the long edge, the 2nd and the 3rd at the opposite long edge.
  • The 4th goes at the middle of the short inner edge while curling the 1st section underneath.
  • Take the top half between your left thumb and 1st section. Your left-hand moves the top half all the way, next to the bottom half of the deck. Place your left 1st between the packets.
  • Concentrate on the halves of the deck. Take the corner of the left packet and interlace it with the corner of the right packet. Move your little finger of your left hand to the side of the deck. Turn your left-hand palm down. Squeeze the cards downward, creating tension. Remove your left 1st section and gently loosen your grip, and they will shuffle together.

What to Remember

  • Before you begin, slightly bend the facedown deck downward a little bit by squeezing it at the sides. This will help with the weave. Please start with the deck very high in your left hand, so it is easier to clear the bottom packet.

Things to Remember While Shuffling

Focus on the hand placement

Every playing card has its respective weight distribution. Your hand placement matters a whole lot. If you lose your grasp or control of the cards, it will ruin the shuffle.

Concentration is vital

One of the more obvious things, you need concentration. That means keeping your eye on them for the majority of the time because the shuffle changes will cause a major mess up. Card shuffling takes excellent balance and dexterity, and if you aren’t careful, you will spoil it.

In Conclusion

In this blog, you have learned how to do the various shuffles with the playing cards. However, there are a lot of shuffles to learn from. Double Thumb fan, the Flipback Cut are amongst the few. All you need is some amount of practice, and you can master each of these with ease. Impress your friends and family with these flourishes!

Madhuboni Banerjee
A graduate in engineering who later completed her post-graduate degree in Mass Media. Writing has always fascinated her, and she wishes to pursue her interest in the same. She wants to discover and write about new themes and topics. She always likes to venture in various writing forms and continues exploring her interest there.


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