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Home Card Games Top 6 Rummy Mistakes to Avoid While Playing Online

Top 6 Rummy Mistakes to Avoid While Playing Online

Want to become a successful online rummy player? Aim to learn from your mistakes and stay away from the most common mistakes in rummy. 

Rummy is one of the most refreshing card games that you can possibly come across. When you play online rummy at the end of a day, it tends to rejuvenate your mind by potentially acting as a stress-reliever. This game demands different types of skills and strategy from your end. So, while you tend to enjoy the rummy game, you need to keep a few things in mind while playing it. And whenever you play a strategic game like rummy, you are likely to commit a few mistakes. However, the idea should be to learn from the mistakes you make in rummy and avoid repeating them. This way, you can be in a position to sharpen your game and come up trumps on numerous occasions. To help you out, we are highlighting the top six common mistakes in rummy that you should avoid while playing online.

Making Sets Before Your Sequences are Ready

In a 13-card rummy game, your objective is to make the pure sequence (without the use of wild card or joker), real sequence, and the sets. However, as the game begins and you start drawing cards, you might come across the temptation to complete your sets first. This has been observed as a hindrance to completing your pure and real sequences. By completing the sets first, you are more likely to delay the completion of your sequences. This results in one of your opponents finishing his hand earlier than you, thereby winning the game. You need to avoid this common mistake while playing online rummy and instead focus on completing your pure sequence first, followed by the real sequence, and then the sets.

Not Focusing on the Opponents

When you play rummy online, you are likely to get so involved with your own cards and game that you make the mistake of ignoring your opponents and what they do. If you do not keep a close watch on the moves of your opponents, you may find it difficult to win consistently. A solid rummy player will always pay attention to the kind of cards that the opponents throw into the discard pile and also the cards that they pick up from the pile. This kind of tracking of your opponent’s moves can sometimes help you to modify your strategy to form the sequences or sets of your choice.

Holding High Value Cards for Too Long

It is not wise to hold your high value cards for a long time, especially in a game where your chances of winning are less. If you feel there is a likelihood of some other player forming the hand before you, you should ensure that when he/she completes his hand, you do not have any high-value card with you. This is because such cards carry high points and when you are not the winner, they can go against you.

Not Giving Enough Importance to Practice

They say ‘practice makes a man perfect’ and this holds true in any new thing that you try out in life. So, as a beginner to the online rummy game, it makes sense for you to practice as much as possible. When you play rummy online, you get access to different practice tables on the popular rummy sites. One of the common mistakes made by many novice rummy players is remaining ignorant to this need for practice and directly playing on the main table against experienced players. Remember, you can develop your rummy skills and confidence by practicing more before starting to play against tougher opponents and higher stakes.

Having No Patience

It is natural for many rummy newbies to get restless as they wait for the right cards that can complete their hand. It is when this ‘wait time’ gets longer that you may start to lose your patience and make certain wrong decisions. Also, when the cards are dealt at first, you need to think twice and not be in a hurry to decide the formation of pure and impure sequences as well as sets. The key to success in rummy is not to lose patience.

Obsession with the Jokers

One of the most common rummy mistakes is for players to get obsessed with the jokers. Yes, the joker cards are very helpful in completing your hand, but you should not focus a lot of your rummy strategy on them. Instead, target to complete your hand without the jokers and if they come up, you welcome them with open arms.

Final Thoughts

When you play an online rummy game, you can focus on ways by which you can maximize your winnings. At the end of the day, you want to win to feel good and this could be possible by eliminating most of the common mistakes in rummy. Well, you may still make mistakes, but those can be new ones and not the common mistakes which you are already aware of. Practice a few games on a reliable online rummy app like MPL and keep track of the mistakes that you do, so that you can get rid of them quickly. 


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