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Home Card Games Rummy Players - Understanding their Different Types and Behavioural Traits

Rummy Players – Understanding their Different Types and Behavioural Traits

It is always good to know your opponent’s motives. People at your rummy table will have different playing styles, you can have an edge over your opponents if you understand their gameplay.


Humans are diverse creatures. We not only differ in race, religion, etc but also in our personality traits. This is precisely what makes our race so unique. To understand these mental differences, we have a dedicated field of study called psychology. You don’t need to be a psychology wizard to understand and pinpoint people with different playing styles.

Even when you play rummy online, it is possible to understand your opponent’s goal by observing their moves. One of the main strategies adopted by rummy players is keeping a track of your opponent. While you do this, try to deduce their playing style and use some counter moves if you can.  Here are a few common player types that you can find at any table where you play rummy online.


Maybe you play online rummy to unwind on weekends and entertain yourself a bit to get your mind off work. You just want to relax and enjoy the game. This is not how an achiever’s mind works, they only play with one motive and that is winning. They take the game seriously and face challenges upfront. You can find them at tables where the competition is high because that is where they want to flourish. They are thirsty for victory and winning is their topmost priority.

Curious Cats

These are the explorers of the lot. Their playing style is not aggressive, they rather prefer to have slow and steady progress. Such players are often new to the game and hence curious. They want to learn the game and beat their opponents, they do all kinds of gimmicks to reach this goal. When they play, they are focused on their opponent’s strategies while building their own to add more weapons in their arsenal. Sometimes curiosity kills the cat, but this doesn’t stop them from learning and progressing. Their ability to handle difficult situations is quite impeccable.

Social Butterflies

These people socialize while playing traditional rummy in gatherings and even whey they play rummy online. More than the game itself, they enjoy playing, talking and socializing amongst people. Most rummy players who play during gatherings and festivals gradually learn how to socialize. They might be interested in befriending you because you share the same interest and they’ll converse about anything and everything under the sun. These are the kind of people you can shoot your newbie questions at. Since they love talking so much, they will gladly explain and even guide you if needed.


The Go-getters are a force to be reckoned with. They can have winning streaks while annihilating everyone at the table. It is easy to spot a Go-getter, they are usually the ones who make quick and bold moves, yet they manage to strategize and outsmart their opponents. Their eyes are set on the prize like a hawk, that is all they are concerned about. They do not care about the expertise of their opponent, they will tackle anyone hands-on. They also know the art of bluffing. This is a valuable skill in rummy if you want to twist your competition’s mind. They focus on being consistent, motivated and they believe in taking risks even if they lose at times. If they can learn a valuable lesson through failure, they still see that as a part of their triumph.

Laid Back

They are the players who do not stress too much over the game. They think of it as a source of entertainment and relaxation. When they play online card games or any game for that matter, they are relaxed and not competitive. Maybe they know a few tricks here and there, but that’s all. They play this game as a stress buster and to get away from their daily routine once in a while. It helps with their boredom and they never obsess about winning or losing.

Final Thoughts

There are different traits of pro rummy players which can be a blend of one or two of these types that are discussed above. Once you know what your opponent is up to, you can start preparing your counter moves when you play rummy online. Also, understand your behavioural pattern and try to explore with more playing style. This might even put your competitors in deep thought, trying to decode your gameplay. In the wise words of Sun Tzu, “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”. So, keep this in mind and bedazzle people at the table whenever you can. Download the MPL app now and use this information for your benefit! 


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