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Home Games Bubble Shooter: A Game To Keep Your Hours Engaged & Entertained

Bubble Shooter: A Game To Keep Your Hours Engaged & Entertained

Do you find yourself with nothing to do often? Confused as to how you’d pass your time? Well, why not play bubble shooter? Here’s how you’ll stay entertained.

Bubbles – tiny little circles floating in the air, made of soap, breakable in an instance are reminiscent of many of our childhoods. You could keep a young one entertained for hours with these and they’ll barely ever complain. Bubbles are synonymous with fun itself in the easiest way that everyone can understand. But what if we tell you that the era of playing with bubbles isn’t over? What if we give you an opportunity to go back in time and relive the days you remember fondly? No, you need not jump into your bathtub and act like a kid all over again.

Instead, MPL proudly brings you the bubble shooter game that everyone’s been hooked on lately. Bubble shooter online is a game that you can play on MPL to win exciting prizes. Rewarding yourself has never been as fun of an experience. Much like you’d do as a child, in this version of the game of bubbles, your aim is once again to burst as many bubbles as possible. However, this time around, you’re going to be surprised with a ton of prizes for doing so. Easy to understand and minimal in fuss, this is a game that will take up many of your hours where you were previously bored. “Why?” well, read our blog below, and you’ll understand for yourself.

Easy Controls

Speaking of controls of a game, this is one of the more ‘make or break’ kind of integral aspects that needs to be on point every single time. When you play bubble shooter game online, this is something that will bring much comfort to you because of how easy the game is to control. You, as the player, need to position your cannon rightfully by pulling back on the touchscreen. This will allow your cannon’s bubble to shoot at the grid of bubbles suspended parallel at the top of the screen. You get to choose between two colors of bubbles to shoot, and as your shot fires aptly at the same bubble positioned above, it bursts, earning you the points you need. Keep continuing this until you’ve burst all bubbles of until the timer has come to a halt – as simple as that.

Fun Power-ups

Power-ups are some of the more satisfying experiences in any game, and bubble shooter isn’t far behind in that aspect. As your game progresses, you will run into times where it may seem impossible to break the wall of bubbles formed above. Despite this game being fun, it anticipates a tactical approach for you to match and bursts the right color of bubbles so that you can win the game. Even then, you might face a situation when the timer is running out and you’re unsure of where to shoot. After all, the only way to beat the game is to either destroy all bubbles or wait for the timer to run out. This is when you have power-ups to help clear the playing field. Use the ‘Fireball’ to burst all the bubbles in a row, use the ‘Bomb’ to break through a cluster of bubbles, and use the ‘Wild Bubble’ to crack any color it lands on.

Tournaments & Rewards

Like with all other games, you have a chance to test your skills in Bubble Shooter as well. Now, you might wonder how strong you’d have to be to make your way through a tournament of such a game. However, don’t let complacency seep in because playing Bubble Shooter does require much. When you find yourself to be ready to compete, enroll for one of the many tournaments available and see for yourself if you’re as good as you think you are. By paying an initial fee, you can participate in the ongoing tournament as many times as you wish, and in the end, rewards are given as per the leaderboard. Yes, like with all other games on MPL, you can earn real money while playing your favourite games. 

Final Thoughts 

Those were some of the prominent reasons and features as to why you need to try the bubble shooter game on MPL. With over 50 games available on our platform already, we’re pushing strongly to turn your gaming experience into a fun and rewarding time. With bubble shooter online, we’re sure that you’ve found a new fruitful way of spending those hours you were previously finding hard to pass. The multiplayer aspect of the game where you get to compete against others is the perfect way to take your game to the next level. Regardless of the standard you wish to play the game in, the idea of lining up a cannon against a row of bubbles is certainly going to keep you engaged and entertained for countless hours.


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