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Home Card Games Rummy Offensive vs Defensive pace in Online Rummy & which one to adopt?

Offensive vs Defensive pace in Online Rummy & which one to adopt?

When you start playing online rummy, you probably don’t have a strategy or a pace. You don’t know whether you are playing offensive vs defensive pace; your only goal is to win the game somehow. However, as you dive deeper into the game and start learning tricks, using strategies, and getting better at playing rummy, you begin identifying your game approach.

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Undoubtedly, Rummy is a challenging game that requires a blend of skill, strategy, and tricks to get closer to success. Essentially, it’s all about making valid sequences and sets and declaring before your opponent to win the game. But that requires quick decisions and a strong strategy. You also need to decide which pace to adopt while planning your moves – offensive or defensive pace. 

Usually, players either use an offensive or defensive strategy, but some expert rummy players take the middle road. The pro rummy players have the ability to combine both strategies and adjust their pace according to the circumstances of the game. Finding the happy medium between both paces takes a lot of practice. But if you are a beginner looking to advance your level, you should first understand offensive vs defensive pace in online rummy.

What is an offensive pace?

An offensive pace, as the name suggests, is an attacking mode. If a player adopts an offensive pace in rummy, it means that the player has decided to attack his/her opponent with the moves. An aggressive play requires the player to be proactive and well-versed in different rummy strategies. To adopt an offensive pace, a player needs regular practice and sufficient experience. 

The key to perfecting an offensive pace is by keeping a constant watch on the cards your opponent is picking from the discard pile or discarding. Based on your observation, you should discard your cards carefully to trouble your opponent. 

An offensive play helps the players make better decisions with increased time management and observation skills. Read about the 5 entrepreneurial skills online rummy will teach you. A player that adopts this strategy has a good memory and the skill to use different strategies to attack the opponents. However, you should also avoid repetitive use of the same strategies and tricks to prevent your opponent from knowing your strategy.

What is a defensive pace?

When playing at a defensive pace, the player follows his/her opponent’s lead, allowing the opponent to set the pace. The passive approach appeals to many players as they feel safe planning their game based on their opponents’ moves. The player can adapt the opponent’s style while planning countermoves to negate the opponent’s strategy. Using defensive play, you can get your opponent to misjudge your proficiency which might lead the opponent to make a mistake.

Letting an opponent set the pace of the game is usually done when there’s no other way left to move forward in the game. A player using this approach is submissive by nature. Therefore, if you have a good hand, it’s always better to adopt an offensive pace rather than a defensive one. A passive play can be adopted when you feel you have irredeemable cards. You should have a good knowledge of counterattacking moves to adopt a defensive strategy.

Ready to play online rummy? Here are 8 signs that prove you are ready for rummy cash games.

Which pace to adopt while playing online rummy?

You may have already identified your pace, after understanding the difference between offensive vs defensive pace in online rummy. Rummy players often wonder which one of these strategies to adopt will lead to a win. The right answer to which pace is best while playing online rummy actually varies from player to player. If you are a beginner, you may be better off with an offensive approach to start with. Use a defensive approach if you are matched against an experienced player. Where an offensive approach is used to set the pace of the game, a defensive approach is used to understand the opponents’ strategy and formulate your strategy accordingly. Therefore, the strategy you should choose depends on the one you are most confident about.

You can also use a combination of defensive and offensive paces if you aren’t sure of which strategy to go with. However, the player who treads on the middle of the road is usually an expert player, therefore, you too need to be an expert rummy player if you are facing an opponent that uses a combination of this strategy. 


A player that chooses to go on the extreme side of the offensive or defensive play, tends to become a weaker player over time. If you are looking to up your game, increase your skills, and ultimately become an expert rummy player, you should find a happy medium. A happy medium implies adjusting to the circumstances and using the strategy that the situation demands. Therefore, if you find yourself using an extreme offensive or defensive approach, you should gradually start working your way to the middle. Try using a combination of both the strategies to defeat your opponent the next time you play a game of online rummy on MPL.

Vijaya Bharti
Vijaya Bharti is an experienced gaming writer fuelled by a passion for virtual worlds and interactive storytelling. Her profound understanding of game design and culture shines through her compelling content pieces captivating readers. She finds leisure in playing online games, writing about anything related to games, and watching web series.


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