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Home Card Games Online Rummy Game – Tips to Conquer Bad Streaks Effectively

Online Rummy Game – Tips to Conquer Bad Streaks Effectively

Facing a difficult time at the online rummy table with frequent bad streaks? Read further to know the different ways of handling them.

Losing continuously in a rummy game is referred to as a bad streak – when you do not get good cards continuously for a lot of games and end up losing most of them. After facing this challenge, most people blame it on their misfortune. However, an online rummy game is based mostly on the player’s skills and ability to implement different rummy strategies. You might witness a few players quitting the game when this happens, but since an online rummy game is easily accessible, trying your hand a few more times should help to break this bad streak.

Winning and losing is a part of every game. Also, note that it is completely normal to lose and be upset about it. Obsessing over it can become a problem. If you want to reach the highs of the game, you might also face the lows. That is how you gain relevant experience and become a master of the game. Your approach should be to learn from such a bad streak, and implement your learnings for the future games. No player can always keep winning. So, if encountering a not so good streak is a problem that you want to tackle, stick around to find some useful tips.

Unwind, Take a Break

Maybe you are too tired after a long day of work and cannot think straight. Nothing to worry as that happens even to the best of players. You might have to re-strategize your gameplay but don’t think about it as of now. Go for a walk, eat your comfort food, and try to play again with no pressure. Sometimes, after a winning streak, you come under performance pressure and underperform. And sometimes the best way to deal with an unfavourable streak is to take a break instead of continuing to play. The bottom line being, play rummy with a calm and composed mind. 

Be Patient

You probably have a bad streak because you are being impatient. You were already upset, and now, your negative feelings are heightened because you lost a game. It’s like being stuck in a loop. And sometimes even though your cards are not so bad, you are unable to think positively and utilize them to snatch a victory. The only way out is to be patient and non-judgmental with yourself. Tell yourself that it is okay to lose. A bad streak doesn’t make you a terrible player.

Practice Mindfulness

We seldom live in the present; worries about the past and future make us anxious. This is not a desirable mental state for playing. Mindfulness is being present in the moment. Zen monks aren’t the only ones who should practice this. People like us need it the most. Our minds are always wandering and rarely steady. When you play mindfully, there is a heightened level of alertness that you experience, which can turn the game around for you.

Spatial Intelligence

In Howard Gardener’s model for eight types of intelligence, he included spatial intelligence. People either inherit it or cultivate it. It simply means to analyze and observe precisely. Contemplating your moves and predicting the consequences should be actively done when you play rummy online. Since most of the game is based around this concept, it is important to master it. This might come to your assistance when you are facing a bad streak.

Minimize Destruction

Sometimes, it is not always important to win. When you are at a point in your game where you know that winning isn’t possible, your attempt can be to minimize your losses so that you can get the chance to come back stronger in the next round. Most people give up on a bad streak due to frustration. But playing for minimal damage is also one way to limit your losses. As the saying goes, something is always better than nothing.


When you play a rummy game online and face a bad streak, you are constantly focused on not losing. You lose confidence in your abilities, and a voice in your head goes, “I don’t want to lose again”. So, all the energy that could’ve been focused on observing your opponents, and making the right decisions to enhance your chances of winning, is now invested into worrying. Bring your attention back to the game and try to focus without the fear of losing. Applying this might break your bad streak.

Entertain Yourself

The competitive nature of the game can sometimes make us tense about the outcome. You would observe that at times you no longer play the game to enjoy, but just to win. While it is good to attempt winning every game that you play, you should avoid being obsessed with it. When you stop winning due to a bad streak, it leads to mental disturbance. A simple thing one must remember is that the purpose of playing games is to entertain oneself and perhaps learn something new.

Final Thoughts

Online rummy game is a great way to pass time, to hone your intellectual skills and to have fun. Fun is the most important part. You should not let your performance dishearten you. There are always going to be good and bad days. So, sit back, relax and play a few rummy games on a reliable online rummy app like MPL. Play with a positive frame of mind and tackle your bad streaks effectively (whenever you encounter them).


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