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Home Card Games Online Rummy Variations - Which Rummy Game Variant Suits Your Personality?

Online Rummy Variations – Which Rummy Game Variant Suits Your Personality?

People have different playing styles. Our personality determines our playing style. As the saying goes, ‘Different strokes for different folks’. Here’s how you can tell which Rummy variant is the most suitable for your personality.

Socrates must have meant something when he said, “Know thyself”. The importance of understanding oneself before making sense of the world is not understood by many. Knowing the game inside out as a Rummy player is a must. Just as important as knowing yourself, so you can choose the Rummy variant which best suits your personality. The idea of a new variant might repel you but playing a few rounds will get you the hang of it.

There is no better place to try your hand out than playing rummy online. There is no performance pressure of playing in a social setting so you can enjoy playing at the ease of your comfort. It is easily accessible, allowing your persona to operate without the fear of judgement. The three most popular Rummy variations are Pools Rummy, Points Rummy and Deals Rummy. You can easily find which one of these will suit your personality type the best with a little self-awareness and knowledge of the game itself.

Points Rummy

In comparison to other variants, Points Rummy is fast-paced. If you are somewhat impatient, love to multitask, are bored quickly by doing one thing for too long then you shall enjoy this short and sweet Rummy Variant. If the traits we’ve mentioned match the description of your personality you should learn this variant, if you haven’t already. It is the shortest form of Rummy which lasts for only one deal. Play on the next board after finishing your current game. Such gameplay requires aggressiveness, being dynamic with the ability to make quick decisions. Points Rummy has been made for you if you identify with these characteristics.

Deals Rummy

Deals Rummy is lengthier than other variants. Players compete for a fixed number of deals. Every deal is pivotal for the competitors to become the final winner. The player with the highest score at the end of a fixed deal becomes the winner. The scores are obtained by the losers in each deal. This game is like a Tom & Jerry chase, as entertainment is guaranteed. If you are into adventure and enjoy being thrilled, you would love this variant. The risk factor here is slightly higher in comparison to other Rummy games. The player needs to win more games on an average to win against his opponents, according to the rule book. Since the risk factor is high and you have invested, winning in this game makes you euphoric. It is advisable to play this game only if you are patient and adventure-loving.

Pool Rummy

Prepare yourself for a long game of Rummy if you decide to play this variant. The game is lengthy because the winner is declared after all players are eliminated. Elimination happens when a player crosses the said points. So, there are two subversions in this game; one is 101 Pool Rummy and 201 Pool Rummy. The player with the lowest score at the end becomes the winner and the players who reach 101/201 point threshold get eliminated. People who love to grind non-stop and are blessed with an ample amount of patience will thoroughly enjoy this game. The ability to play steadily and perform under pressure is what’s important here. Also, you need to have an adequate amount of time on your hands if you consider playing this Rummy variant. So, if you love to be the last man standing after a long and exciting game, then start playing this game.

Final Thoughts

Put two and two together to find your best rummy variant. Your playing style is determined by your personality. This is a wonderful way to meet new people who might have similar personality traits. So, it gives you a chance to expand your social circle and meet like-minded people. So, explore and network by finding the best online rummy game variant for yourself. Based on the popular rummy variations of points rummy, deals rummy, and pool rummy, you have already got an understanding of the type of personality ideal for them. If you are facing difficulties in choosing a Rummy variant for yourself just by reading. Then you might want to discover your perfect fitting shoe by trial and error. Play different types of online Rummy games until you find one that suits you the best and the one that you are most comfortable playing. This could also help you to find your dominant personality trait if you are confused about it. You get to kill two birds with one stone!


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