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Online Rummy – Why Should Practice Rigorously to Become a Pro Rummy Player?

People look for shortcut tricks to defeat players who master the online rummy game with sheer dedication and practice. Learn how practicing can help you stay one step ahead of your opponents.


Winners and losers have the same goals, so what distinguishes them from each other? It’s practice! Like any other game, if you wish to master rummy you must be consistent. All the pro rummy players understand this basic rule and play whenever they can. Afterall rummy is a game of skills, contrary to popular beliefs. Skills are not acquired out of thin air, they are built with time and patience.

People might think it is not possible to practice rummy because you have to physically play with others. Online rummy solves this problem for you. One doesn’t have to worry about the availability of players, time or place. Just start playing and enjoying yourself, there is no need to force yourself into practicing. You enjoy the process without deliberately forcing yourself, just be attentive and learn from your mistakes. 

Knowing & Doing

You can read about hammering a nail in the wall, but you wouldn’t know until you do it yourself. There is a difference between knowing something in theory and implementing it. True understanding comes with execution and not reading. Knowing about rummy is reading up on a few articles here and there but try to play rummy online and you will realize it is a completely different experience. When you keep practicing, you can tell the possible outcomes with your eyes closed. That is the key difference between knowing and doing.

Advantages of Practicing

You already know that practicing will make you adept at playing the game, whether you play it in a social scenario or even an online rummy game. It is always impressive to play with someone who knows their cards. Playing rummy is a great way to socialize and charm people at gatherings. Rather than being clueless, you come off as an intellectual who knows what they’re doing. This can help you with personal matters, business dealings, making new friends and wooing people. Practising often helps to devise good rummy game strategies that are crucial for winning.


Once you know you have spent enough hours learning the game inside out, you feel confident about your abilities. You have prepared your mind to endure difficult games. Do not underestimate what your mindset can do to your gameplay. Professional athletes and players have coaches who are specialized in developing their mindset. They are trained to think in a way that is applicable to the sport they play. If you feel that you are beneath your competitors, you will play nervously and make mistakes even when your cards are right. On the other hand, if you make swift but smart moves it intimidates your opponent. One cannot fake this, only practice brings you to this level.

Flow State

While playing you go into this zone of laser focus where everything blurs out and you can only think about the game. One can only tap into this if they have learned every aspect of the game by practicing. If you haven’t, most of your time will be spent wrapping your head around unfamiliar moves and being astonished. In the flow state, you are no longer startled by any moves and you only care about calculating. Boxers, MMA fighters and other athletes are always in this state when they play. The world around them is a blur and they are only concerned about the game.


In his book ‘How to think fast and slow’, Malcolm Gladwell explains the science behind intuition. Once you have performed an activity countless times, you no longer think of it consciously because your neurons and synapses are used to it. People in their respective fields develop this intuition with time and become experts. Once their brain is accustomed to the activity, it comes naturally to them and we call it intuition. The key takeaway here is doing one thing multiple times, which means practicing. If you can play rummy online consistently, you will develop this unexplainable intuition.

Final Thoughts

“Practice makes a man perfect” – but your idea of perfection should be realistic. Do not expect to win every game you play. A pro player also understands the importance of losing and revives himself like a boss. Most importantly, play rummy because you enjoy the rummy game and do not become obsessed with the idea of mastering it. Play the game mindfully and make notes of your mistakes, your opponent’s moves and your winning moves. Remain consistent and that will be all the practice you need. Now get working – download the MPL app and start practicing online rummy regularly!


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