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Home Card Games Rummy Strategies that Beginners to Online Rummy Need to Know

Rummy Strategies that Beginners to Online Rummy Need to Know

Are you an avid lover of the online rummy game? Want to know about the key strategies that can help you increase your chances of doing well in online rummy? Read ahead.


Rummy is known to be a game of strategies. It is entertaining and easy to play. It is also a great way of socializing at parties. The perks of playing rummy attract many amateurs to this game. But, half knowledge is more dangerous than poison. So, having a robust understanding of a few rummy strategies is better than trying to ace the game in one go.

Beginners usually don’t know where to start. They play mindlessly and wonder where they went wrong. If you are stuck in this loop, then start applying a few rummy strategies to become a decent player. Once you have the basics down, you can try playing at advanced levels.

Card arrangement: As soon as you are handed your cards, do not wait around and start arranging them. First group the different suits and place them together in alternative suit colours. This way, you do not leave out any deadwood cards. It also becomes easier for you to analyze.

Pure sequences: After arranging your cards, start making a pure sequence. This means you need to align three or more cards that belong to the same suit. A pure sequence does not contain a joker. If there is no scope for you to make one, then decide whether you want to continue or quit. In case you continue, your priority should be forming a pure sequence.

Discarding high cards: If high-value cards cannot be a part of your sequence, then it is wise to discard them. Even when your opponent wins against you, you would have minimum points. High-value cards or face cards are the Aces, Kings, Queens, and Jacks of the deck. They hold the highest points and since the game is about keeping your points zero, discard them if they seem useless.

Valuing Joker: You read earlier that joker cards cannot be used in pure sequence, so why should one value the joker card? Well, it can make or break your game. A joker can be used to substitute any card in your set to form an impure sequence or even a set. Beware and do not discard your joker by accident, you can do actual wonders with this card.

Middle cards: It is easier to pair the middle cards with others in comparison to high value or low low-value cards. The probability of forming a sequence with these cards is higher. Cards like 5,6,7 are easier to meld than other cards.

Colour of cards: Use the colour of your cards to arrange them in order and avoid being confused by suits. To get a clear picture of your existing cards to arrange your sequences alternatively according to their colour.

Tracking opponents: Play close attention to what your opponent discards and holds. If you can process this, start discarding cards that your opponent can’t use and hold on to the ones you think they need to complete their sequences.

Timing your moves: Even when you play rummy online, it is important to time your moves. Ideally, a move should be made within 15-25 seconds so that your opponent knows you are confident. 

Not retaining cards: Do not get emotional and hoard onto certain cards thinking that they can be used later to form a sequence. Instead, discard them and go for other options. Keeping an even flow in the game is probably the best rummy strategy.

Reducing your points: The point of rummy is to have no points! Very counter logical, we know. So, focus on reducing your points as soon as you start playing, so even if you quit mid game, you can have the least points.

Dropping on time: Dropping on time in rummy is a strategy to keep minimum points. If your cards are bad and you cannot meld your cards mid-game, dropping out could be a feasible option.

Final Thoughts

These are the rules you should stick by whenever you play rummy. As a beginner, it is completely normal if you can’t wrap your head around some of these. Just practice rummy strategies online and develop your gameplay; it will all make sense once you have some hands-on experience. Beginners tend to quit after being easily frustrated. So even if you lose, know that it is a part of your learning process. Implement some of the above strategies on the MPL online rummy app!


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