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Home Games Top Chess Strategies to Combat the Sharp Attacks and Maneuvers of Opponents

Top Chess Strategies to Combat the Sharp Attacks and Maneuvers of Opponents

If you are a novice online chess player or even an experienced one for that matter, but still feel threatened by a strong opponent with calculative moves then check out below online chess strategies.


An experienced player doesn’t shy away from flaunting their chess strategies. This is usually overwhelming for beginners or players with anxiety. So even if you are a strong player, your nerves can get the best of you. We want you to know that this is normal and a lot of players face this. There are ways to tackle this and most anxious players have overcome it through practice.

Playing chess online is a great way to get accustomed to competing with opponents with different playing styles. It is not the same as participating in an actual tournament but it is a start. So, if you also want to overcome the beginner’s anxiety or feel confident while playing a chess game online, then follow these tips. There are many things you can do technically but first, you need to have the correct mindset and we wish to help you with that. Let us have a glimpse of some of these related chess strategies.

Stay Calm

If you feel anxious and restless before a game or opponent’s move throws you off track then do not lose your cool. Understand that it is a game and ups and downs are common. Play chess with a learning spirit in the initial stage, do not worry about winning. You will start seeing results once you become confident with making mistakes, which means you become more at peace while playing so you are less likely to mess up.

Act Confident

You must have heard, fake it till you make it. Your mind is in an alert state and feels threatened when you are anxious. It is our subconscious response to threat and it was somewhat necessary for our survival. However, in today’s day and age, the one who seems to be fearless makes significant progress. This confidence doesn’t come out of thin air, use an online chess game to your advantage and build credibility.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed

An experienced player is likely to make moves you have never seen. They play with planning and plotting, they also play fast. Their skill seems to be unbeatable and this alone makes you give up at the beginning of the game. Then you are only playing to minimize the humiliation. If you come across a player like this, respect their gameplay because it comes from years of hard work. It is not a superpower and you can attain that level too. So do not be overwhelmed and think you are competing against a lost cause.

Do Not Waste Your Moves

Players waste their moves out of nervousness. Do not move the same piece unless it is necessary. You want to make maximum impact with minimum moves and playing with the same piece three times in a row will not cut it. This will alert your opponent and you’d probably be trapped before you know. This is a piece of technical advice, so play chess as much as possible to inculcate this in your gameplay.

Look for Blunders

Humans are not perfect at the end of the day. So lookout for any mistakes or blunders your opponent makes. Use this to your advantage and turn the game in your favour. You would need to pay attention to spot these blunders, but it is a skill worth mastering.

Do Not Quit

A game of chess can change its course anytime. Endgames are known for being notorious and giving unexpected results. So if the game doesn’t seem to be going your way, it might change sooner or later. Hope is a wonderful thing to have in a game of chess.

Calculate Your Moves

Know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Plan and do not play aimlessly. That is a sure shot way to lose a game of chess. It is all about surprising your opponent with what you had in mind and throwing them off-guard. A player who calculates their moves will always have an edge over someone who doesn’t.

Avoid Traps

If your opponent is giving away a piece too easily or capturing their piece seems too good to be true then it is probably a trap. This is a way to trick your opponent and make a move that they would not expect. If you can withstand this while playing chess then half the battle is already won. Learn and practice more about such traps in online chess games.

Final Thoughts

So that is how you avoid falling into your opponent’s bluffs or traps. The more chess games you play the more you will improve. Start with the MPL chess app to play chess game online and apply the above-mentioned chess strategies. Do not be impatient and expect results overnight. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.


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